


Antioch Gospel Church began in January 2006 when the founding Pastors, Nicholas Hung and Grace Rimbo started meeting with three other committed members.

In mid-2008, services were established in Sydney City with the desire to impart the love of Jesus Christ to the beautiful city of Sydney and to witness lives changed through the powerful visitation of the Holy Spirit. Since that time the church has continued to grow and increase by the grace of God.



The church vision has always been Evangelism, Discipleship and Sending, and one of the primary goals of the church leadership is to release leaders to plant churches and be influential in multiplying the kingdom of God both domestically and internationally.

A high emphasis is placed on the balance between the Bible and the presence of God at Antioch Gospel Church. Services at Antioch Gospel Church are alive, exciting and often entertaining. The Bible is preached with power and relevance, and the truth of God's word is preached unashamedly.

The anointing of God's presence is also amazing. In many services held at Antioch Gospel Church we continue to experience the tangible manifest presence of God as His grace is revealed week after week after week. And in His presence lives are changed radically, as each individual completely submits themselves before Him.

The power of God is revealed in so many ways upon this ministry. Healing (both physical and inner) and deliverance is regularly experienced and many members and visitors have experienced true and complete freedom from addictions, sexual perversions, sicknesses and more, often immediately and veritably. Financial miracles are commonplace. The scriptures definitely come to life at Antioch Gospel Church - God becomes real, rather than a story and we come to know Him, rather than just know about Him.

Our primary goal is not to build a BIG CHURCH. We’re focused on building BIG PEOPLE around the vision of Evangelism, Discipleship and Sending. God has always blessed His commission!
— Pastor Nicholas Hung
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For quite some time people have said of Antioch Gospel Church, "This is not an ordinary church. This is an experience!" We make our boast in Christ, but know that it is our heart that everyone who comes to Antioch Gospel Church would come into a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our aim and intention to point all the focus onto Jesus, and as this happens, people begin to experience genuine joy, freedom and breakthrough - something that they have often never experienced before. To God be all the glory!

Today Antioch Sydney meets in a convenient location, in the heart of Sydney’s Chinatown. We invite you to join us at our Antioch Sydney Campus and we know that you will be excited to see what is happening as our awesome God continues to move powerfully amongst our congregation. We look forward to welcoming you soon.

Our Antioch Online community meets on several platforms on a weekly basis to receive impartation and encouragement in God’s word and His presence. Whether at antioch.live, antioch.tv, or on Zoom for an online Life Group, there are so many places to connect and engage with the church community.